Monday, May 24, 2010

Thoughts on Adhaalath

Prior to the 'dawn of the new democracy' we always blamed Gayoom and his regime for politicizing Religion. For using Islam as a 'weapon' to enslave people and to consolidate their 'absolute and divine' power to rule over us minions. We loathed the regime for that and used it as a powerful campaign against him in the elections - and it worked!

Sadly we now see a situation where one of the minor partners in the Nasheed government (one who does not even command a single parliament seat) - the Adhalat party with their control over the Islamic Ministry trying to do exactly the same. Textbook Gayoomism I would say. In fact, their effort is even 'better and more targeted' that Gayooms. I was dumbfounded when I looked through the religious unity regulations which they tried to publish! It is one the most extreme piece of religious unity law I have ever seen (and I have briefly gone through ones in Iran and some of the states of Malaysia and Nigeria). There is a component in the regulation which allows the Ministry to poke into anybody's business. From an absolute restriction on freedom of speech to potentially dictating on the standards of advertising and marketing materials of tourist resorts! Just imagine the consequences! The only thing they fell short of was the creation of a religious police who would roam around the streets like they do in Saudi. Or perhaps, they will claim they have the authority to do this under some section of it later on!

Nevertheless, this cannot be tolerated.


Anonymous ilikecookie said...

Adhaalath caters to the Taliban ideology of a state controlled by backward values and barbaric laws, they operate under the veil of religion, because that which is sacred will not be questioned.

Innovation strives in free societies, no good can come from an oppressed society. However, because their aims are selfish and not for the good of the country, they don't care. Adhaalath is a pathogenic fly that must be swatted.

May 24, 2010 at 8:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i doubt if u are a muslim...i am pretty sure that u dont know islam at all and wonder if u have ever tried to understand what is in the quran and in the sunnah of rasulullah sallah laah alayhi wasalaam.if u have gone through these, you would find almost the same rules and regulations are prescribed in these two as what the islamic affairs is doing right know.for some one who has been misguided through out his life would find it different when the truth comes in front.and i think the same is happening to most of the maldivians.i know u will not publish this comment but any how by writing this comment here i have achieved one thing.that is to let you know what you are doing is not right.may allah guide you and all of us.

May 25, 2010 at 12:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous @ 12:26 , I guess it depends on your interpretation of those what you have stated and "WHO" you follow. You can't generalize Islam based on the teachings of your Mullah's. Many of the Sunnah can be considered to be contradicting with others. While you and Adaalath party is trying to dictate the Islam that you believe in, not all will accept that and you can't label them as Kaafirs. Just because you try to promote extremist and radical views does not make you MORE a Muslim than ME. Only GOD can decide that. You don't have the rights to dictate how I will live my life and how I interpret my religion as long as I believe in "ONE" god.

May 25, 2010 at 1:55 AM  
Blogger boadhaabas said...

Dear Anonymous @ 12.26.

Let me disappoint you first thing in letting you know that I am Muslim. My faith is between me and Allah and you are in no position to dictate to me your doubts as to whether I am a Muslim or not.

Let me just highlight one specific issue with the regulation. It states that once the 'fathwa committee' decides on a particular matter, then no other person (be it religious scholar or layman like me) can challenge it.

Where is the concept of "Ikhthilaaf" which is deeply rooted and accepted in Islam? You tell me!

...and still you back the regulation so much that makes me wonder, whether you are backing them (adhalath) on a religious perspective or political one!

Being a Muslim is one thing, but I cannot agree to a party or a group of people to be given the legal right to monopolize and dictate religion to us!

Jhazakallah Khairan.

May 25, 2010 at 4:23 AM  

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